Fleshy succulents have thick, water-retaining stems that help them survive in the desert and other very dry habitats. In both form and ancestry, they are a diverse group which includes species from several families of flowering plants. Some succulents are essentially leafless while others have leaves that may naturally fall away during the plant’s dry season.


Direct and preferably day-long sunlight (as provided by an unobstructed southern window; the only exception to this rule is if your plant is a haworthia. Haworthias prefer bright indirect sunlight). Succulents will often survive for extended periods in sites with lower light levels but will probably not thrive or flower.


During the plant’s active growth or flowering, water when the soil surface becomes completely dry. During the plant’s dormant phase (usually in winter), water very, very sparingly — once every month or when the plant shows signs of shrinking or “deflating” due to low water content. When you do water, add a drop or two of SUPERthrive to your watering can, drench the soil thoroughly – at least a little water should come out of the pot’s bottom drainage holes. However, the plant should not stand in saucer water for more than ten minutes.


Feed sparingly, even when the plant is growing actively. Use Bonide Liquid Cactus Food according to the directions.

Potential Problems

Overwatering may promote root rot, a disease that is difficult to arrest.