Why wait for April’s showers to pay off in May? Get your garden going now and let the blooms begin! Spring is the optimal time for cool season annuals and early season veggies while also being one of the best times to plant perennials, shrubs, and trees in order to set them up for success. If you wait too long to get your garden started, you risk missing out on harvests, beautiful color, and extra time to enjoy your plants. Don’t wait for May’s flowers, have them now and reap the rewards of planting in April!

Plant Doctor Quips

Moana Lane Plant Doctor, Michael Roth, says, Clematis are one of the most beautiful vining plants that are easy to grow here in our climate.  Known as the queen of climbers, this striking perennial is covered in the summer with beautiful star-like flowers colored in white, pink, red, blue, or purple. Correct placement and planning are keys to their success. When placing, it is best plant in a location with afternoon shade, especially shading the roots. That can be accomplished by placing a small shrub, ornamental grass or a garden décor item in front to shield the roots from the afternoon sun, and when planting, enrich your soil with Soil Building Conditioner, 30% to 70% native soil, incorporate the correct amount of starter fertilizer, gently remove the Clematis from the nursery container, trying not to disturb the root ball, gently backfill, and water thoroughly. Once established, you will have a dazzling display of color to cover an arbor or fence.

Our South Virginia Plant Doctor, Steve Packer says, “I love container gardening! Each Spring, I plant several pots with colorful annuals or cool season veggies that can be moved to sunny spots in my yard. In the event of a hard frost, I can move my ‘babies’ inside for optimum protection. Most annuals and veggies do not like soggy soils. Be sure to use a well- drained potting soil and a pot that has a drainage hole. If you are an apartment dweller with a small, outdoor deck, container gardening is the way to go!”

Our Moana Lane plant doctor, John Bruyn, says, “April has always been the month when our plants are fully in the wake-up mode. Spring flowering plants such as forsythias, tulips, creeping phlox, and our fruit trees are in full bloom and they are asking us for help. Watering is of course first on their want list, but not too much please. Then fertilize, but not more than recommended. Please realize that the plants are just waking up and with the cooler temperatures, they do not need a summertime watering schedule, just a spring time schedule. Those are obvious to most of us. So now your yard is set, but is it? I mentioned the early spring plants but what about the mid to late spring flowering plants? This is the best time to plant them, before they flower and the selection is good. Lilacs, Weigelias for shrubs and Iberis and Peonies are my favorite, along with the late spring flowering Snow Mound Spiraea.”

Our Pyramid Way Plant Doctor, Jeni Lowery says: Time to get your fruit on! April is fruit tree month and in order to get those satisfying fresh fruits, make sure your tree is either self pollinating, like a Stella cherry or has the corresponding pollinator tree close by. We carry espalier pear trees and apple trees- they are grafted with at least two fruits that pollinate each other and stay at a low height for easy maintenance and harvesting. We also have combo apples and cherries: they are multi-stemmed for pollination, getting several trees in one! Be sure to get with a Moana sales person or plant doctor to ensure your success for delicious fruit.

Bird Nerd, Lisa Braginton explains, “April is a great month to get your yard in shape for both you and the birds to enjoy! In addition to routine tasks like weeding, mulching, and other proactive pest control, you can plant pollinator-friendly flowers and plants, create habitat for beneficial insects, and use earth-friendly products to ensure that all the elements of your seasonal sanctuary are working together. Installing a source of water is the number one way to make your yard a welcome spot for all sorts of visitors, so be certain to include a bird bath or other water source to maximize the positive impact of your gardening efforts.”

Moana Nursery High Desert Gardening
Timely Tips

  • Continue planting fruit trees – pear, apple, peach, cherry, nectarine, apricot & plum.
  • Use Codling Moth Traps, according to directions, to determine when and how often to treat pear and apple trees with Captain Jack’s Deadbug Brew.
  • Feed fruit trees with a balanced fertilizer like G&B Organics Citrus & Fruit Tree Fertilizer.
  • Feed trees and shrubs that have been planted more than a year with G&B Organics Paradise Fertilizer, a time release pelletized toss & go fertilizer with beneficial mycorrhizae.
  • Moana recommends Bonide Annual Tree & Shrub Insect Control if insects have been a problem in the past. Please always follow all label directions when using pesticides.
  • Inspect trees and shrubs for insect and disease problems; treat immediately with appropriate product.
  • Prune spring flowering trees and shrubs immediately after they have bloomed.
  • Continue planting dormant roses.
  • Remove tree stakes and ties from trees & shrubs planted a year ago or longer.
  • Water is the best way to attract birds and wildlife to your yard and increase the chances of spotting an unusual migrant visitor at your feeder station.
  • Continue to supply fresh water and change it every 5 days to keep it clean.  To prevent the chance of disease, clean birdbath weekly with a weak bleach solution and rinse well. 
  • If you have a water feature, turn it on as soon as the weather permits.
  • Reduce window strikes and potentially harmful territorial behavior of birds at windows with UV window decals and Stop Bird Attack.
  • April is a nest building month; place nesting materials out for them now and consider a Wild Birds Unlimited birdhouse for wrens, bluebirds or woodpeckers if they are visiting your yard.
  • Roosting boxes can supply a shelter for some nesting birds; doves and robins are quite likely to use a fabricated nesting shelf.
  • Help celebrate Earth Day by installing an eco-friendly bird feeder or nest box made from recycled milk jugs.
  • Install a customized Wild Birds Unlimited bird feeding station where you can easily watch the birds it attracts. To make your station especially attractive, plant bird-friendly flowers and shrubs nearby.
  • Provide mealworms to attract nesting birds to your yard and for the feeding of new nestlings. 
  • Offer WBU Nesting SuperBlend®, Mealworms, WBU Bark Butter Bits®, Bugs & Bits®, Peanut Butter n’Jelly® Suet Dough or WBU Bark Butter® to provide the extra calcium needed during nesting season. Bark Butter® products are popular with parent birds and nestlings alike!
  • Consider adding our new Bugberry Blend to your feeders as an attractive treat for fruit and insect eating birds.
  • Hummingbirds are HERE! Get those hummingbird feeders out in order to take care of new visitors. Change nectar at least weekly until they begin feeding regularly when you’ll frequently have to refill! Orioles will follow soon be ready with oranges, grape jelly and sugar water.

Feederscape Consultation
If you want our expert help setting up a feeding station at your home or business schedule a consultation today. Our Bird Nerd will help you make your landscape a refuge for birds and humans alike. 

Our Seasonal Color Team can help you with custom containers, annual planting beds or a simple refresh of your existing garden. Schedule a free consultation today! 

Need help with your indoor plants? Contact our Interior Plant Services team. They can help you design, install, and maintain your indoor plants! Want a WOW plant presentation? Ask about installing a LIVING PLANT WALL! Examples of plant walls are available to see at both our Moana Lane and Pyramid Way locations.

Our Expert Plant Doctors can help you with your high desert gardening;
Diagnose disease & insect problems on trees, shrubs & lawns;
Identify existing plants in your landscape and how to care for them;
Provide plant placement for DIY customers. *Plant Doctor Consultations will not be available April 18th-June 2nd.

Contact our Plant Doctors with questions about your garden.
Moana Lane Store

Jon Bruyn
Michael Roth

Pyramid Way Store
Jennifer Lowery

South Virginia Street Store
Steve Packer